Monday, September 8, 2014

surfacing stories

I have to admit. I am abashedly comfortable with a large amount of ambiguity.

Especially in my own artwork.

The unsaid can be so much more powerful than the explicit.

I think that is why I am so drawn to the minimalist aesthetic. Sometimes I fear it verges on narcissism, how fascinated I become with a rearranging a few simple objects, that are highly charged with meaning.

I used block print stamps of a house, a fish a circle and a jug. Thoughts of comfort, shelter, containment, spirituality, fragility, and abundance come to mind as I create little sweet vignettes with these ubiquitous shapes.

Then, with a pencil I traced simple lines and shapes, each of which infuse the relationships between the objects with a whole new archive of narratives. The stories start to arise from the pages and I hear voices, see scenes, taste moods of lives that may have lived in the imagination of these little pictures.

I wrote out a few lines from the unwritten novels that each picture connotes and then, by typing them on an old typewriter, arranging, cutting and pasting them, they are summoned into the visual world where their shape, form and size have value.  They play as elements in the collage, able to bounce the characters and histories back and forth in the spaces between shapes.

Any adult or kid could finish the stories, arrange the images and create narratives that resonate in new ways.

I'm sorry. Its all so ambiguous, but I can't help loving this series of unrelated-yet harmonious images.

Like lost pages from the same book, rearranged on my table, and I'm left to imagine the stories that are long gone.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014


Just finished this funny little painting who has this quirky voice that is really just telling me what it wants to be. In that way, I'd say this percocious little piece just painted itself. Glad I was here for the journey!

Thursday, August 28, 2014

A bit more painting.

The rain makes me feel like painting. Still in progress, these are a part of a series I'm working on.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

We did some block printing

I knew there was I reason I kept my "zoller" and Lino cut knives all these years. I've been itching to do some printing for my latest book project. The boys were equally inspired. 

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Private Art Classes

A couple drawings in with mixed media...


I am considering offering private art lessons this summer. These would be customized and unique. Adults and kids welcome. Email me or PM me on Facebook if you might be interested and I will send you the details.

About Me

My photo
Hey. We are a family of five. A mom, dad, two boys and a little girl. We love to travel and seek adventure. We love to connect with nature, to find wonderful places to explore and learn about on our journeys.